Ensure enough space in your kitchen with proper planning
Good preparation is half the battle
For Lisa it's important that the kitchen furniture works well for a long time. "A friend told me about the ," explains the exuberant 32-year-old. "It was a real eye opener for her how many provisions and cooking utensils actually have to fit in a kitchen," she adds. The move is due to take place before the baby is born to give the newborn a cosy home to grow up in. "As time is ticking away, we'll have to be even better at planning and know exactly how we want our furniture to be designed. Being prepared is the only way our cabinet maker can have it ready in time," says lighting designer Marc.
What the kitchen should offer:
"We like inviting friends over for dinner," explains Marc.
Lisa would like to have her kitchen appliances neatly stored away, but wants to have them quickly to hand when needed.
They need space for dog food and treats for dog Carli, but now need space for bottles and other paraphernalia which will soon be needed for the new baby.
"The new kitchen needs to suit our needs for many years to come," says Lisa.
The storage space required in the future kitchen can be determined in just a few clicks with the Zone Planner.
A big surprise – the amount of things that need to fit in a kitchen
"We got straight to work and went through every individual item we need to store in our kitchen. At first I was quite terrified of all the work we had to do, but we got it done in just a few minutes with the Zone Planner," explains Lisa with relief. "Our list is really extensive. I could hardly believe how many cooking utensils we actually want to accommodate," says Marc shaking his head. "And at the moment we store lots of things in the cellar. We want to avoid this in future and have enough space for everything."
Custom cabinets for favourite items packed with features
Beautifully organised with a system
"The tool has even already visualised the inner dividing system, meaning we were able to get some inspiration for turning the idea into reality," adds the organisation lover Lisa. "There was some very good food for thought, for which we found some very good solutions together with our cabinet maker." The parents-to-be can now have some peace of mind as they wait for their dream kitchen and take care of the remaining preparations full of anticipation. "The next project is the changing table," says the DIY enthusiast Marc: "We managed to carry out the storage item analysis without the Zone Planner, but we adopted the principle straight away," he laughs happily.
Good planning is half the battle – Marc and Lisa are looking forward to their new kitchen and have therefore taken a lot of the stress out their move.
All advantages at a glance
Overview of all the items that you want to fit into your new kitchen
Practical cabinet solutions adapted to meet your individual needs
Ideas for functional inner dividing systems